Recently Adjusted Rural Mail Routes

Did You Get Screwed By The Recent Rural Mail Count? If you were one of the unfortunate rural mail carriers who are working on recently adjusted routes and noticed a significant drop in your pay step after the recent mail count, I feel your pain because I am one of them myself. In September of this year, I decided to switch routes after 20 years Read More

What Is Happening With The US Post Office?

Is the USPS Destined For Failure? If the post office where you work at is anything like mine, you probably haveĀ  all asked yourself the same question – and with good reason. Every week I am amazed by the lack of organization and managerial skills of what used to be a very proud American institution. Take the current situation at our office: Two weeks ago Read More

Rural Carrier Work Boots

Rock Rooster 6 inch Waterproof Soft Toe Leather Work Boots For those of us who work as rural mail carriers, we are exposed to some of the most brutal elements on a daily basis. Whether it’s dealing with rain, mud, snow, wind, etc. it’s very important to wear the proper clothing and gear to not only protect your body but also make you more comfortable Read More

AminoLean Energy Booster

Jump Start Your Morning! For the past several years, I have been using the RSP AminoLean Pre Workout supplement every morning before I leave for the Post Office. What I like most about it besides the energy boost it gives me is that it does not give me jitters like many other energy supplements can do. AminoLean also claims to improve your mental focus and Read More

How The Post Office Can Make More Money

And It Doesn’t Involve Amazon! Why is it that every year we hear about how much money the United States Post Office has lost? Is it because the top level management has no clue what they are doing or money is being filtered to the wrong places? I think you all know the answer to that one? I’ve heard about the issues with our government Read More

Rural Mail Carrier Winter Gloves

Protect Your Digits! Are you a rural mail carrier working in a cold climate with snow and freezing wind chill temperatures? If you’re like me, you’ve experienced frozen fingers and frustration from not being able to keep your fingers warm while delivering mail during the winter months. I have tried so many different types of gloves over the nearly 20 years I’ve been a rural Read More

Rural Mail Carrier Workers Shortage

Severe Shortage of Rural Mail Carriers When I first started at the USPS over 19 years ago, I can remember having to take the civil service aptitude tests and being placed on a “waiting list” for future job opening with the US Postal Service. My oh my how things have changed! I feel like nowadays, if you have a pulse, you are eligible to work Read More

Rural Mail Carrier Anxieties

Are We There Yet? First of all, I need to apologize to all of you rural mail carriers out there for not staying up to date with my posts on this site. Like many of you, I have felt the burden of the never-ending onslaught of Amazon come down on me like a ton of bricks. Will it ever end? If it maintains this level Read More

Don’t Sweat It

Rural Carriers Need To Wear Proper Clothing This summer has sucked here in Minnesota with the high temperatures and humidity. Much of the U.S. seems to be in a heat wave this year with lots of sun and very little precipitation. Driving on some of the gravel roads on my route is like driving through a sea of chalk. The dust gets everywhere! If there’s Read More

Seat Covers Protect Your Rural Letter Carrier Vehicle

Seat Covers Are A Great Investment! One thing I quickly learned as a rural letter carrier is that it doesn’t take long for your vehicle to get dirty – both inside and out. Some of us drive on the nastiest roads imaginable including dirt, mud, gravel, snow, etc. And driving with the window open at all times means the elements are going to find a Read More